The Zemplén Mountains are a transitional area between the Carpathians and the flora of the Great Plain and Transdanubia (Subcarpaticum). The interior of the mountains is covered with contiguous forests. The southern slopes are mostly covered by forests of interconnected pedunculate and pedunculate oaks.
When we examine a wine, the first information that can serve to settle our thoughts is the place of production and the variety composition. As with grapes, the climate and geological conditions of the tree – the composition of the soil, the weather, and the age of the forest – have the greatest impact on the quality of the oak and then the quality of the barrel.
The nearly 500 species of oak, only three are recommended for coopers. Pedunculate, unpedunculate and American white oak. Of the Quercus Robur and Quercus Petraea used in Europe. The Quercus Petraea has the highest prestige from the North Central Mountains in Hungary, and and sessile oak from the Carpathians. The Quercus Petraea is structurally dense granular, provides slower fermentation, slower oxidation, longer dissolving aromas than American oak („Quercus Alba”). “Quercus Petraea” shows much spicier notes, but is softer, silkier, and less characteristic in tannins than „Quercus Robur”.